Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Welcome to SEPCo, inc. - PT Grace Manunggal Blogsite and the 1st thing we`d like to said many thanks for your visit to us,

we are offers Coal Mineral Station at Kalimantan Timur ( Eastern Borneo ) indonesia you`ve can see our details photos :

Our Mineral Station is at Nunukan Province - East borneo, Indonesia. If you want to oriented or Mapping ground for surely studies about all certification letters and other inspection, please contact on us, 

Our invest is open from USD 30,000,000.00 to made gain more up and up EUR 50,000,000.00 / years.
This offers open for all invester from around the world.
many thanks for all support to us PT Grace Manunggal - SEPCo.inc. 

Best wishes,

Aries K Koesoema
manager on board